Manuel Kuhn

Doctroal student / sholarship holder


Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg / Fachbereich Bibelwissenschaft und Krichengeschichte (Biblical Studies and Ecclesiastical History)

Universitätsplatz 1, A-5020 Salzburg


On the basis of the preserved corpus of letters from the East Syriac Catholicos-Patriarch Timothy I. (reg. 780-823) I try to reconstruct his theology (mainly doctrine of God, Christology and Trinitary) and his patristic foundation he had to argue his position. Because he mainly uses Greek patristic theology (mostly Gregory of Nazianzus, Athanasius and others) and less Syriac patristic theology, I analyse what knowledge of patristic literature did Timothy have, how did he use them and adopt the approaches of the Greek Church Fathers. Did he understand their theological statements as in their original work or does he only change and use them for the argumentation of an “orthodoxy” of Eastern Syriac theology? What does this mean for ecumenism (in history and now)? Overall it is a question of transfer of knowledge, transformation of theology from one cultural and theological context into another and of what “orthodoxy” or “true faith” means.


  • Theology of Orthodox and Oriental Christianity
  • Ecumenical Theology
  • Studies of the Near and Middle East, its language, history and culture
  • Religious Studies: Interaction between society, culture and religion(s)
  • Intercultural Theology
  • History of Culture and Philosophy
  • Patristic Theology